This is Why You Need to Hire a Professional Food Photographer
“We eat first with our eyes”
Annual Food Advertising Budgets (millions)
I’ve read that it was ‘Apicius’, the 1st Century Roman gourmand, who purportedly coined the phrase “We eat first with our eyes”….
— Think to yourself: “What drives most humans?” I suggest that it is a need for survival, which includes air, water, and FOOD. In fact, most of the animal kingdom spends their entire day foraging for food and eating.
— Think to yourself: “How often do I feel no hunger, but then it quickly changes when I see a food commercial?” (I suggest that this may happen to you again once you scroll down a bit lol)
— Think to yourself: “Why put so much time, effort and money into my restaurant, otherwise to cheap out on advertising?” We all know marketing drives more sales than the actual quality of the product (ask the four restaurants above)……
Here in the United States alone, it is reported that the average American household spends at least $3000 a year eating out, but, there are also over one million restaurants in the country vying for a piece of that pot. How is your food going to stand out amongst those multitudes of restaurants; with cellphone pictures taken by your chef or manager? Excuse me, but they probably have better things to do: like actually managing your restaurant, or cooking (or looking at social media when their boss isn’t around).
Photography is an art form by itself; just like being a chef. It takes thousands of hours of study, practice, years even, to only improve at cooking. Photography is no different.
I know some local “mom & pop” restaurants think that all they need is word-of-mouth advertising. Is that sustainable in an ever increasing digital world, a world where people stay indoors for extended periods, and order more delivery? What about having a family owned restaurant that can be passed on through generations? Is that legacy worth the price of having someone who barely knows what they’re doing taking pictures of your food? Think of the customer who, perhaps, has never heard of your business, and is scrolling through a meal delivery service, trying to decide what to order for dinner. One would be doing their business a disservice by not showcasing your food to them in the best possible light.
I am a photographer who is well studied in the arts of eating *ahem* I mean food photography. Please, let my portfolio (including the video below) further speak for itself where this blog leaves off, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!